Unlocking the potential of the dyslexic leader

Become part of our dyslexic leader group to get extra support with software that is designs for your needs

Dyslexic leaders have common needs

The Vnote Team has interviewed over 100 dyslexic leaders, and even more use our app on a regular basis. Dyslexics excell at grasping the key insights from interconnected ideas. They are also great at dynamic reasoning and creating clear narratives. But writing isn't always their thing. Join our community of dyslexic leaders to accelerate your strengths and find others like you

The reactions I see from people to what I'm saying help organize my ideas. The questions I get from Storied help to clarify my thinking and quickly get to great results!

Christine Carragee
Data Analyst & Pricing Scientist

If I text someone (when I'm tired) in the evening, they will definitely don't understand me.

Matt Ivey
Founder dyslexic AI

I see interconnected patterns that others don't see, but they're not easy to explain.

Noel Burkman
CSO & Partner at Big Chalk

Experience Seamless Innovation with Vnote

Vnote is creating software to remove these frictions so we can magnify the impact of interconnected, nonlinear thinking that this group excels at.

By joining this group you will receive:

access to Vnote with a two month free trial
with the platform & access to the newest features
to connect with the founder on Linkedin
for visibility as celebrate the success of our core users

Vnote membership criteria:

Create at least 5 docs

Writing is hard. If you don't have a need to capture ideas and communicate with writing you're not a fit. If you haven't used our system, you should do that first.

Be a dyslexic leader

We define leadership as achieving results by working with others. Dyslexics think in interconnected ways. This group helps those who lead interconnected initiatives.

Join our Dyslexic Leaders Beta Group

Participate in an innovative team working to shift the narrative around dyslexia and its significance.

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If you have any questions, don't hesistate to contact us.